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Curriculum Vitae

Reuben L. Lillie

633 S Plymouth Ct, Apt 703
Chicago, IL 60605
+1 (312) 515-8453
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-3229-5953


Academic Appointments

Adjunct Professor, Olivet Nazarene University
  • School of Music: Voice
  • School of Theology and Christian Ministry: Theology and Philosophy
  • Martin D. Walker School of Engineering: Ethical Web Development

Fellowships and Apprenticeships

Honors and Awards

2021 Craighton T. and Linda G. Hippenhammer Faculty Scholarship, Olivet Nazarene University

Current Research

“Believing in Love: Intellectual Humility and Well-Being.” Hippenhammer Faculty Research Scholarship.


Papers and Presentations

Coauthored with Charles L. Perabeau. 2020. “Dissident Districts: Developing a New Model for Administrative Boundaries in the Church of the Nazarene.” Paper presented at the 55th annual meeting of the Wesleyan Theological Society, Nazarene Theological Seminary, Kansas City, MO, March 6.

2019. “Nonprofit Fundraising and Financial Reporting.” Lecture, Jeff Williamson, Olivet Nazarene University McGraw School of Business, Bourbonnais, IL, February 20.

2018. “Urban/Rural Sociology.” Lecture, Charles L. Perabeau, Olivet Nazarene University Department of Behavioral Sciences, Bourbonnais, IL, October 22.

2016. “John Wesley 101: An Informal, No-Prior-Knowledge-Required Introduction to the Theologian and Founder of Methodism.” Lecture, Disciples Divinity House 101 Series, University of Chicago Divinity School, Chicago, IL, March 2.

AncientBiblical Hebrew, intermediate; Koine Greek, intermediate; Latin, beginner
ModernFrench, intermediate; German, intermediate; Italian, intermediate; Spanish, intermediate
ProgrammingHTML (Living Standard), advanced; CSS3, advanced; JavaScript (ECMAScript 6+), advanced; Lua, intermediate; PHP, intermediate
Additional Singing ExperienceCzech, Danish, Korean, Norwegian, Russian, Swedish

Professional Associations