
* @file Defines the chained template for software projects
* @author Reuben L. Lillie <>
* @see {@link Layout chaining in Eleventy}
* @since 1.0.0

* Acts as front matter in JavaScript templates
* @see {@link Optional `data` method in Eleventy JavaScript templates}

export var data = {
description: 'I taught myself how to code in 2014. Now I teach ethical web development at the college level. Let’s make something worthwhile together!',
syntaxHighlighting: true,
tags: 'writing',
templateEngineOverride: '11ty.js,md',
title: 'Software',
weight: 3

* Defines the markup for the software template
* @param {Object} data Eleventy’s `data` object
* @return {string} HTML

export function render({software}) {
return `<!--content/pages/writing/software.11ty.js-->

I taught myself how to code in the summer of 2014. I was under an opera contract away from home. The rehearsal schedule was grueling. And I experienced some pretty impressive insomnia. I desperately needed an activity to help me wind down from singing—something quiet yet productive, still creative yet altogether different.

Now I specialize in web ethics: building fast, lightweight, accessible, secure sites and applications. I’m an outspoken advocate for vanilla JavaScript and Jamstack techniques. I helped found the [Jamstack Chicago MeetUp®]( And I’ve created an interdisciplinary course for the Martin D. Walker School of Engineering at Olivet Nazarene University called “[Ethical Web Development](/comp-496/).”

This site, for example, is built with the static site generator [Eleventy]( and hosted by [Netlify]( Feel free to check out the [documentation pages](/docs/) and [source code](

[Let’s make something meaningful together](/contact/).

Here’s a sample of coding projects I’ve contributed to or created.

Check out more code on <a href="">GitHub</a> and <a href="">GitLab</a>.

_Arranged by name_

${ => this.card(project)).join('')}`
