
* @file Defines a filter for listing coauthors
* @author Reuben L. Lillie <reubenlillie@gmail.com>

import fullName from '../filters/full-name.js'
import lastNameFirst from '../filters/last-name-first.js'

* Defines a list of two to four coauthors
* @module _includes/filters/last-name-first
* @since 1.0.0
* @param {Object} coauthor From an array of coauthors
* @param {number} index Position in the array of coauthors
* @param {Object} arr The original array of coauthors
* @return {string} HTML
* @see Turabian 2018, 225–7, figure 18.1

export default (coauthor, index, arr) => index === 0
? `<!--first of coauthors in _includes/shortcodes/list-coauthors.js-->

: index !== arr.length - 1
? `<!--among coauthors in _includes/shortcodes/list-coauthors.js-->

: `<!--last of coauthors in _includes/shortcodes/list-coauthors.js-->