
* @file Defines a filter for formatting reference titles
* @author Reuben L. Lillie <reubenlillie@gmail.com>

* Format a title according to the _Chicago Manual of Style_
* @param {string} title A title to format
* @return {string} A formatted title
* @see Turabian 2018, 19.1.3 and 19.2.3

export default title => {
* Matches all letters in the English alphabet and all Arabic numerals
* @type {Object.<RegExp>}

var RE_LETTER_OR_NUMBER = /(?<letterOrNumber>[a-zA-Z0-9])/giu

* Matches opening and closing single and double quotes
* @type {Object.<RegExp>}

var RE_QUOTES = /(?<quotes>[‘’“”'"])/giu

* Matches double quotes
* @type {Object.<RegExp>}

var RE_DOUBLE_QUOTES = /(?<doubleQuotes>[“”"])/giu

* Matches open double quotes
* @type {Object.<RegExp>}

var RE_OPEN_DOUBLE_QUOTES = /(?<openDoubleQuotes>[“"])/giu

* Matches closing double quotes
* @type {Object.<RegExp>}

var RE_CLOSE_DOUBLE_QUOTES = /(?<openDoubleQuotes>[”"])/giu

* The `title`, except for the last character
* @type {string}

var titleBeforeLastChar = title.slice(0, -1)

* The last character of the `title`
* @type {string}

var titleLastChar = title.slice(-1)

* Use the unaltered `title`
* @string

var formatted = title

// Is the last character of the `title` not a letter or number?
if(RE_LETTER_OR_NUMBER.test(titleLastChar)) {
// Then add a period
formatted = `${title}.`

// Is the last character a quotation mark of some kind?
if(RE_QUOTES.test(titleLastChar)) {
// Are they double quotes?
formatted = RE_DOUBLE_QUOTES.test(titleLastChar)
// Convert the double quotes to single quotes and add a period inside the last one
? `${titleBeforeLastChar
.replace(RE_OPEN_DOUBLE_QUOTES, '‘')
.replace(RE_CLOSE_DOUBLE_QUOTES, '’')}

// Add a period inside the closing single quote

return formatted