
* @file Defines the chained template for repertoire
* @author Reuben L. Lillie <>
* @see {@link Layout chaining in Eleventy}
* @since 1.0.0

* Acts as front matter in JavaScript templates
* @see {@link Optional `data` method in Eleventy JavaScript templates}

export var data = {
description: 'Here’s a sample of my stage work.',
shortTitle: 'Stage',
tags: 'singing',
templateEngineOverride: '11ty.js,md',
title: 'Stage Repertoire',
weight: 1

* Defines markup for the repertoire page
* @param {Object} data Eleventy’s `data` object
* @return {string} HTML

export function render({content, rep}) {
return `<!--content/pages/singing/stage.11ty.js-->

I’m an operatic tenor, currently exploring lyric and lyrico-dramatic repertoire. I also perform musical theater and other contemporary commercial vocal techniques.

Here’s a sample of opera and musical theater roles I’m prepared to perform.

_Arranged alphabetically by composer_

${Object.values(rep.stage).map(composer => this.corpus(composer)).join('\n')}

<p class="small">From 2007 to 2019, I performed as a <a href="/baritone-rep/">baritone</a>.</p>
