
* @file Defines a shortcode for loading external stylesheets
* @author Reuben L. Lillie <reubenlillie@gmail.com>

* Determine which CSS file to load based on environment variables
* @param {string} fileSlug File slug for stylesheet in the `css/` directory
* @return {string} Path to environment CSS

function envCSS(fileSlug) {
return process.env.ELEVENTY_ENV === 'production'
? `/css/${fileSlug}.min.css`
: `/css/${fileSlug}.css`

* Defines markup for linking external stylesheets in the HTML `head`
* @module _includes/shortcodes/external-css
* @since 1.0.0
* @param {Object} data Eleventy’s `data` object
* @return {string} HTML
* @example
* // In an Eleventy template
* `${this.externalCSS(data)}`

export default ({form, page: {fileSlug}, syntaxHighlighting}) => {
* Placeholder for concatenating HTML
* @type {string}

var html = '<!--_includes/shortcodes/external-css-->'

// Is the current page not the homepage? (The index page has no fileSlug.)
? html += `<link href="${envCSS('base')}" rel="stylesheet" media="screen">`
/* Use this line when there are styles for `./css/home.css`
: html += `<link href="${envCSS('home')}" rel="stylesheet" media="all">`;

: html += '<!--add /css/home.css for specific homepage styling-->';

// Is `form` set to `true` somewhere within Eleventy’s `data` cascade?
if(form) {
html += `<link href="${envCSS('forms')}" rel="stylesheet" media="screen">`

// Is `syntaxHighlighting` set to `true` in the `data` cascade?
if(syntaxHighlighting) {
html += `<link href="${envCSS('syntax-highlighting')}" rel="stylesheet" media="screen">`

// Load print styles last
html += `<link href="${envCSS('print')}" rel="stylesheet" media="print">`

// The concatenated markup
return html