
* @file Defines a reference list item
* @author Reuben L. Lillie <reubenlillie@gmail.com>

// Filters
import fullName from '../filters/full-name.js'
import formatUrl from '../filters/format-url.js'
import formatTitle from '../filters/format-title.js'
import initialLetter from '../filters/initial-letter.js'
import isDate from '../filters/is-date.js'
import lastNameFirst from '../filters/last-name-first.js'

// Shortcodes
import listCoauthors from './list-coauthors.js'

* Defines a Chicago style author-date reference
* @module _includes/shortcodes/author-date-reference
* @since 1.0.0
* @param {Object} entry
* @return {string} HTML
* @see Turabian 2018, chs. 18–19
* @see {@link https://www.chicagomanualofstyle.org/turabian/turabian-author-date-citation-quick-guide.html Chicago Manual of Style}
* @see {@link https://www.chicagomanualofstyle.org/turabian/Student-Tip-Sheets.html Turabian Tip Sheets}

export default ({
) => {
var entry
var asAuthor = ''
var year = ''

title = formatTitle(title)

if(date && type !== 'research') {
year = isDate(date)
? `${date.getFullYear()}.`
: typeof date === 'string'
? `${date}.`
: 'n.d.'

// Single author
if(author) {
asAuthor = lastNameFirst(author)

// Multiple authors
if(authors) {
asAuthor = authors.length &lt; 4
? authors.map((author, index, arr) => listCoauthors(author, index, arr)).join(', ')
: `${authors} et al`

// Multiple authors, including me
if(coauthors) {
asAuthor = coauthors.length > 1
? `<!--I’m one of multiple authors-->
Coauthored with
${coauthors.map((author, index, arr) => listCoauthors(author, index, arr)).join(', ')}`

: `<!--I’m one of two authors-->
Coauthored with


* If there is a way to attribute and author,
* then add a period to the end string.
* Otherwise omit the author from citations.

asAuthor = asAuthor ? `${asAuthor}.` : ''

* If there is a URL to attribute,
* then wrap it in an anchor tag.
* Otherwise omit the url from citations.

url = url ? `<a href="${url}" class="url">${formatUrl(url)}</a>.` : ''

// TODO 19.1 Books

// 19.2 Journal Articles
if(type === 'journal') {
journal = ''
dateInfo = ''
volume = ''
issue = ''
pages = ''
if(publication) {
* Destructure a portion of `publication` specific to journals
* @type {Object}

var {name: journal, volume, issue, pages, dateInfo} = publication

dateInfo = dateInfo
? ` (${dateInfo})`
: ` (${date.toLocaleDateString('en', {month: 'long'})})`

pages = pages ? `: ${pages}` : ''

var journalTitle = `<em>${journal}</em>`

var issueNumber = issue
? `${volume}, no. ${issue}`
: volume

var journalInfo = `${journalTitle} ${issueNumber}${dateInfo}${pages}`

title = `${title}`

journalInfo = sponsor ? sponsor : journalInfo

entry = `<!--${type}: see Turabian 2018, 19.2-->
${asAuthor} ${year} ${title} ${journalInfo}. ${url}`


// 19.3 Magazine Articles
if(type === 'magazine') {
* Destructure a portion of `publication` specific to magazines
* @type {Object}

var {name: magazine} = publication

date = date.toLocaleDateString('en', {month: 'long', day: 'numeric'})

magazine = `<em>${magazine}</em>,`

title = `${title}`

entry = `<!--${type}: see Turbian 2018, 19.3-->
${asAuthor} ${year} ${title} ${magazine} ${date}. ${url}`


// 19.5 Websites, Blogs, and Social Media
if(type === 'website') {
* Destructure a portion of `publication` specific to websites
* @type {Object}

var {page, owner} = publication

asAuthor ? asAuthor : owner

var website = asAuthor !== owner
? `${page}, ${owner}`
: owner

title = `${title}`

entry = `<!--${type}: see Turabian 2018, 19.5-->
${asAuthor} ${year} ${title} ${website}. ${url}`


// TODO 19.6 Interviews and Personal Communications

// TODO 19.7 Papers, Lectures, and Manuscript Collections
if(type === 'lecture'
|| type === 'paper'
|| type === 'presentation'
|| type === 'sermon'
|| type === 'workshop'
|| type === 'master class') {
dateInfo = dateInfo
? `${dateInfo}`
: `${date.toLocaleDateString('en', {month: 'long', day: 'numeric'})}`

sponsor = sponsor ? `${sponsor},` : ''

title = `${title}`

var asType = type === 'paper'
? `${initialLetter(type)} presented at the`
: `${initialLetter(type)},`
var {name: place, city, state} = location
var eventInfo = `<!--eventInfo-->${place ? `${place},` : ''} ${city ? `${city}` : ''}${state ? `, ${state}` : ''}${dateInfo ? `, ${dateInfo}` : ''}`
entry = `<!--${type}: see Turabian 2018, 19.7.2-->
${asAuthor} ${year} ${title} ${asType} ${sponsor} ${eventInfo}. ${url}`


// TODO 19.8 Older Works and Sacred Works

// TODO 19.9 Refernce Works and Secondary Citations

// TODO 19.10 Soures in the Visual and Performing Arts

// TODO 19.11 Public Documents

return entry
? `<!--_includes/shortcodes/author-date-reference.js-->
<article class="hanging-indent">

: `<!--no author-date format for type: ${type}-->`