
* @file Contains global papers data
* @author Reuben L. Lillie <reubenlillie@gmail.com>
* @see {@link https://www.11ty.dev/docs/data-global/ Global data files in Eleventy}

* Global papers data module
* @module _data/papers
* @since 1.0.0

export default [
type: 'paper',
coauthors: [
first: 'Charles',
middle: 'L',
last: 'Perabeau'
date: new Date(2020, 2, 6),
title: 'Dissident Districts: Developing a New Model for Administrative Boundaries in the Church of the Nazarene',
sponsor: '55th annual meeting of the Wesleyan Theological Society',
location: {
name: 'Nazarene Theological Seminary',
city: 'Kansas City',
state: 'MO'
type: 'paper',
date: new Date(2020, 2, 6),
title: 'Confronting Hegemonic Homiletics: Returning Preaching to a Liturgical Act',
sponsor: '55th annual meeting of the Wesleyan Theological Society',
location: {
name: 'Nazarene Theological Seminary',
city: 'Kansas City',
state: 'MO'
url: 'https://www.academia.edu/41644104/Confronting_Hegemonic_Homiletics_Returning_Preaching_to_a_Liturgical_Act'
type: 'paper',
date: new Date(2017, 2, 3),
title: 'Wherever Two or Three Are Gathered: An Ecclesiology of Space',
sponsor: '52nd annual meeting of the Wesleyan Theological Society',
location: {
name: 'Asbury Theological Seminary',
city: 'Wilmore',
state: 'KY'
url: 'https://www.academia.edu/35590768/Wherever_Two_or_Three_Are_Gathered_An_Ecclesiology_of_Space'
type: 'paper',
date: new Date(2017, 2, 2),
coauthors: [
first: 'Charles',
middle: 'L',
last: 'Perabeau'
title: '#GeographyMatters: Keeping Religion and Race in Their Rightful Place',
sponsor: '16th annual meeting of the Wesleyan Philosophical Society',
location: {
name: 'Asbury Theological Seminary',
city: 'Wilmore',
state: 'KY'
url: 'https://www.academia.edu/35593721/_GeographyMatters_Keeping_Religion_and_Race_in_Their_Rightful_Place'
coauthors: [
first: 'Charles',
middle: 'L',
last: 'Perabeau'
date: new Date(2016, 2, 10),
title: 'A World of Difference: Wesleyan Tradition and the Scientific Method in Global Contexts',
type: 'paper',
sponsor: '15th annual meeting of the Wesleyan Philosophical Society',
location: {
name: 'Point Loma Nazarene University',
city: 'San Diego',
state: 'CA'
url: 'https://www.academia.edu/35593675/A_World_of_Difference_Wesleyan_Tradition_and_the_Scientific_Method_in_Global_Contexts'
type: 'paper',
date: new Date(2015, 10, 5),
title: 'Metaphysics and the New Birth: Regenerating Wesleyan Convictions',
sponsor: 'Global Christianities Workshop',
location: {
name: 'University of Chicago Divinity School',
city: 'Chicago',
state: 'IL'
url: 'https://www.academia.edu/35593594/Metaphysics_and_the_New_Birth_Regenerating_Wesleyan_Convictions'
type: 'paper',
date: new Date(2015, 2, 5),
title: 'Punctuation in Public Worship: The Semiotic Language Within Our Liturgies',
sponsor: '14th annual meeting of the Wesleyan Philosophical Society',
location: {
name: 'Mount Vernon Nazarene University',
city: 'Mount Vernon',
state: 'OH'
url: 'https://www.academia.edu/35590134/Punctuation_in_Public_Worship_the_Semiotic_Language_within_Our_Liturgies'